Sudan: one year after the military coup, a civilian transition is more than ever necessary

Khartoum, Nairobi, Paris, 26 October 2022 — One year has passed since the military

authorities took power in Sudan. Deadly repression continues against popular and

peaceful demonstrations calling for an urgent civilian transition.

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), the African Center for Justice and

Peace Studies (ACJPS), and the Sudanese Human Rights Monitor (SHRM) call for an

immediate end to the use of force by the Sudanese security forces, who must protect all

civilians and restore peace in the region.

FIDH and its members condemn the lack of transparency in the political agreements that are

being drafted, and are inviting actors to respect the full inclusion of civil society, and to

ensure the respect of its demand towards a civilian transition.

Alice Mogwe, president of FIDH declared “The current crisis in Sudan and its

escalating violence, both underscore the need for an urgent transition to a democratic

dispensation responsive and accountable to the needs of the people.”

Since the coup, the security situation has continuously deteriorated throughout the country.

FIDH and its members are deeply worried by the surge of violence in Blue Nile where at

least 220 people were recently killed. FIDH and its members call for independent

investigations to be conducted so all perpetrators are held accountable and victims given


One case embodies the repercussions of the degraded political situation. Amal, a 20 year

old woman, was sentenced to death by stoning in June 2022. Being aware of her impending

fate, FIDH, its Sudanese leagues and partners launched an international campaign in

October, to support her case. The petition for her release published on Avaaz has now

reached over a million signatures in under 10 days and keeps on attracting support.

FIDH and its member leagues oppose the death penalty and call on the Sudanese

authorities to free Amal, and then pronounce a moratorium on all executions in Sudan as

part of the abolition of the death penalty and legislation which discriminate against women.

Sign and share the petition

Read our dossier on the international campaign to support Amal

Read our report on Sudan and the need for democratic transition

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One year has passed since the military authorities took power in Sudan. Deadly repression

continues against popular and peaceful demonstrations calling for an urgent civilian

transition. FIDH, ACJPS and SHRM call for an immediate end to the use of force by the

Sudanese security forces, who must protect all civilians and restore peace in the region.

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“The current crisis in Sudan and its escalating violence, both underscore the need for an

urgent transition to a democratic dispensation responsive and accountable to the needs of

the people.” Alice Mogwe, president of FIDH

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One case embodies the repercussions of the degraded political situation. Amal, a 20 year

old woman, was sentenced to death by stoning in June 2022. FIDH ACJPS and

SHRMoppose the death penalty and call on the Sudanese authorities to free Amal. Sign the

petition here (link).

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